In the late Middle Ages Serpukhov was the centre of an important appendage principality of Moscow whose most famous prince was the cousin of Dmitry Donskoy - Prince Vladimir the Brave. Today the city is still home to two important monasteries from this period. In addition the city also draws in tourists due to the nearby Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve which is famed for its zubr (European bison). The city can be visited as a day trip from Moscow.
Top recommendations in Serpukhov
Sobornaya Gora
Go to Sobornaya Gora and see excellent examples of Serpukhov's church architecure dating from various period, as well as what remains of the city's Kremlin.
Vysotsky Monastery
Visit the Vysotsky Monastery, founded in 1374 by Prince Vladimir the Brave of Serpukhov.
Vladychny Convent
Visit the Vladychny Convent, founded in 1360 by St Alexius, Metropolitan of Moscow.
Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Nature Reserve
Go to the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve in nearby Danki and see the Zubr (European Bison) which are bred there.