Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line (Dark Blue Line) - Арбатско - Покровская линия
Ploschad Revolyutsi

Ploschad Revolyutsi (Revolution Square) metro station is decorated with black, white, grey and golden marble with a floor of light and dark granite. The station was opened in 1938 and is one of the closest stations which serves Red Square. It is lit with two rows of lights in the shape of saucers.
The two platforms are separated from the centre of the hall by two rows of arches, each of which feature life-size bronze statues of Soviet citizens. In total there are 76 statues of 20 different designs. The sculptures represent Soviet citizens in chronological order from October 1917 to December 1937. The first statues are of soldiers and revolutionaries and then the later statues are of sportsmen and young families in peacetime. In 1941 the metro's statues were evacuated to Central Asia and only returned in 1944. There is a superstition that if you rub the nose of the statue of the dog next to the border guard in the centre of the platforms, you will have good luck, especially in exams. You will see many people following this superstition and as a result the dog's nose and half of its face shines brightly.
Metro | Площадь Революции |