Around Ulitsa Varvarka
St Maksim the Blessed's Church on Varvarka

This church is dedicated to St Maksim the Blessed who was buried on Ulitsa Varvarka in 1434. Maksim was canonised in 1547 and this church was built in his honour between in the mid-16th century. However this church was badly damaged in 1676 and was subsequently restored between 1698 and 1699 and had new additions built on. Between 1827 and 1829 its bell tower was replaced with a new one in the empire style. In the 1930s the church was closed and left to fall into disrepair. It was restored between 1965 and 1969 and subsequently used by the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature as an exhibition hall. It was eventually returned to the Orthodox Church in 1991. Worship is now held here but usually only on holidays.
►sights by districts ►sights in Kitai-Gorod
Location | 4 Ulitsa Varvarka |
Metro | Kitai-Gorod |