Around Ulitsa Varvarka
Nativity of St John the Baptist Church at St Babara's Gates

Located at the end of Ulitsa Varvarka on Staraya Ploschad is the Nativity of St John the Baptist Church at St Babara's (Varvarskie) Gates which has not been preserved as well as its neighbours. The current version of the church dates from 1741 and was built to replace an earlier stone church which stood here. After the Revolution the church was closed in 1920 and turned into accommodation in 1958. In the process most of its exterior church features were removed. In 1991 the building was returned to the Orthodox Church and is currently (2014) undergoing restoration.
►sights by districts ►sights in Kitai-Gorod
Location | 15c2 Ulitsa Varvarka |
Metro | Kitai-Gorod |