Around Ulitsa Dzerzhinskogo
St John the Theologian's Church

St John the Theologian's Church is one of Smolensk's three churches which date from before the Mongol era, having been built around 1173 during the reign of Prince Roman Rostislavich of Smolensk. In form it is a single dome four-pillar cube structure. The church was heavily damaged during the Time of Troubles and was turned into a Catholic church for all of the subsequent Polish occupation of Smolensk. The church also suffered at the hands of the French in 1812. In 1933 the church was closed and used as a museum and library. Later its vestibule and bell tower were destroyed during the Nazi Occupation of Smolensk. In the 1970s the church was restored and finally returned to the Orthodox Church in 1993.
Location | 1 Ulitsa Dzerzhinskogo |