North of the Rivers Orlik and Oka

Dvoryanskoe Gnezdo Park

Dvoryanskoe Gnezdo Park (April 2013)Dvoryanskoe Gnezdo Park (April 2013)

Next to the Nikolai Leskov House-Museum at the beginning of Ulitsa Oktyabrskaya is the park known as Dvoryanskoe Gnezdo which is Russian name of Turgenev's novel translated as Home of the Gentry, although  literally it translates as Nest of the Gentry.  The park is now a little run down, but it is still worth visiting for the views of the River Orlik enjoyed from here.  Also in the park is a bust of Turgenev, a gazebo and a house known as the House of Liza Kalitina - a character in Home of the Gentry.

Location beginning of Ulitsa Oktyabrskaya