Trains between Moscow and St Petersburg
The railway line between Moscow and St Petersburg is the busiest in Russia. Many premium trains, high-speed trains and transit trains run along this route. Some of them are more comfortable, expensive and quick while others are simpler and slower. To help you make the right choice we have prepared descriptions of available trains. All the trains described below leave from Moscow’s Leningradsky Railway Station.
Megapolis | 20/19 | 00:28 | 08:59 | 22:29 | 05:57 |
Arktika | 16/15 | 00:43 | 09:12 | 21:41 | 07:31 |
Standard train | 30/55 | 01:19 | 09:39 | 00:44 | 09:53 |
Sapsan (HST) | 752/751 | 05:40 | 09:20 | 05:30 | 09:10 |
Sapsan (HST) | 754/753 | 07:30 | 11:30 | 07:00 | 11:00 |
Sapsan (HST) | 756/755 | 07:40 | 11:40 | 07:10 | 11:10 |
Sapsan (HST) | 758/765 | 09:30 | 13:20 | 13:00 | 17:00 |
Sapsan (HST) | 760/767 | 09:40 | 13:30 | 13:10 | 17:10 |
Sapsan (HST) | 770/769 | 15:30 | 19:20 | 15:00 | 18:50 |
Sapsan (HST) | 772/771 | 15:40 | 19:30 | 15:10 | 19:00 |
Nevsky Express (HST) | 748/747 | 17:30 | 21:35 | 17:00 | 21:05 |
Sapsan (HST) | 778/777 | 19:30 | 23:30 | 19:00 | 23:00 |
Sapsan (HST) | 780/779 | 19:40 | 23:40 | 19:10 | 23:10 |
Dve Stolitsy | 64/63 | 21:40 | 05:07 | 23:04 | 06:06 |
Smena | 26/25 | 22:28 | 06:20 | 23:36 | 07:25 |
Double-Decker | 6/3 | 22:50 | 06:33 | 22:50 | 06:47 |
Lev Tolstoy | 32/31 | 23:10 | 05:46 | 01:58 | 08:24 |
Express | 4/3 | 23:30 | 08:30 | 23:30 | 08:30 |
Grand Express | 54/53 | 23:45 | 08:35 | 23:49 | 08:40 |
Red Arrow | 2/1 | 23:55 | 07:55 | 23:55 | 07:55 |
*The timetable is given for information purposes and could be changed, you should check the actual time of departure when planning your trip. | |||||
*HST - High-Speed Train |
There is only one high-speed train – the Sapsan. There are up to eight daily trains - . The Sapsan is the quickest way to travel between the two capitals by train. The trains are quick and run at various times of the day in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. It has comfortable seats with plasma screens, headphones, newspapers, etc. However the tickets are much more expensive in comparison with other trains, even the food sold on board is much pricier. You can find more information about Sapsan High-Speed train here.
Average price: USD 50
The only daily express train which operates between Moscow and St Petersburg is the Nevsky Express.
The Nevsky Express started operating in 2001 and was the only train of its kind in Russia capable of speeds of over 200km/h and covering the distance from Moscow to St Petersburg in four hours. The train was of a business class and ticket prices were very high compared to luxury places in the most comfortable and convenient night trains of the time, such as the Megapolis or Red Arrow. Now this train only has 2nd class carriages which consist of 48 seats in eight 6-berth compartments and open carriages with 68 seats.
The wagons are equipped with a spacious folding seating area, toilets and air conditioning.
On the way, passengers can watch a video or listen to music. The ticket price includes cold appetisers, a travel kit and daily newspapers. In the dining carriage, passengers have access to a wide range of hot meals cooked by a professional chef, snacks, and hot and cold drinks. It is also possible to order a meal from your seat.
It is much cheaper tickets compared to the Sapsan, especially if you buy tickets in advance, but there is just one train and it runs at times which may be inconvenient for many people.
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Average price: USD 100 (1st class) | USD 55 (2nd class)
The Megapolis is a private overnight premium train which makes just one 2-minutes stop along the route in Tver. The train only has 1st and 2nd class carriages, plus a restaurant carriage.
The 1st class service has three levels with some levels including breakfast before arrival at the final destination.
2nd class also offers a different number of services such as breakfast, bedding and hygiene kits (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb, wet wipes, and a spoon for shoes) depending on the cost.
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Average price: USD110 (1st class) | USD 70 (2nd class)
The Red Arrow is one of the most popular premium trains between Moscow and St Petersburg as it has a convenient timetable and offers a very good service.
The first Red Arrow trains started operating in 1931. However the carriages of the Red Arrow were originally painted blue, and have only been dark red since 1962. The train is notable not only as it was the first branded train in the USSR, but also as it included the first SV wagon - 1st class compartments for two passengers - in the history of the Soviet railways.
The trains have 1st (SV), 2nd and LUXE class carriages. Each compartment is equipped with outlets for 220 volts and all carriages have individual air-conditioning. In the SV and 2nd class carriages every passenger gets a travel kit, bed linen and towels (beds are already made), hot food (in carriages of top class), tea, coffee, and mineral water. Newspapers, drinks (alcoholic, soft drinks, tea, coffee), hot meals and snacks (in economy) can be bought in each carriage.
LUXE class carriage is equipped to the highest standards. Four 2-seater compartments are equipped with individual bathrooms with a shower, toilet, floor heating, sanitary travel sets, an LCD TV with CD / DVD-player, and a carriage attendant call button.
The sofa bed can be unfolded into a queen-size bed, while the top shelf folds out as an extra bed. In addition, the carriage also has its own bar where you can order not only tea, coffee and snacks, but also alcoholic beverages.
The dining carriage of the Red Arrow is considered to be of a European class and has a special menu (an optional passenger dinner can be delivered to the compartment).
The schedule is very easy to remember as the train always leaves (from both Moscow and St Petersburg) and arrives at the same time - 23:55, and arrives at 07:55.
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Average price: USD100 (1st class) | USD70 (2nd class)
This private train is the most luxurious on the route and is often called a hotel on wheels.
The train has sleeping carriages of four classes: first class (business and standard), Premium (business), Grand and the luxurious Grand De Luxe Imperial. All carriages are equipped with a modern security system with personal smart cards.
The Grand Express’s first class compartment is of a high level of service. It has two sofas opposite each other with a table between them. Each passenger has a panel with a socket, light control, radio communication with the carriage attendant, a button for opening the door, and two closing wardrobes.
The premium Grand Express compartment includes all of the equipment of a first class compartment but with a washbasin and a much more spacious and comfortable bed.
The "Grand" and "Grand De Luxe" wagons can be compared with a hotel. These compartments are much more spacious than the usual SV Carriages, with a shower and toilet, plus a bathing set consisting of a bathrobe, towels, shampoo, shower gel, etc.
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Average price: USD75 (2nd class)
The name "Smena" was given to this train in honour of the 65th anniversary of the Smena youth newspaper. From the beginning of its operation, the Smena was positioned as a train for young people. Throughout the history of this train the conductors have been students of the St Petersburg State University of Railways.
In November 2009, on the 200th anniversary of the St Petersburg State University of Railways the train was renamed in honour of Augustine de Betancourt - the first rector of the university. Spaniard Augustin de Betancourt arrived in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century and was an engineer by training. He not only founded the University of Railways, but also participated in the construction of St Isaac's Cathedral, and bridges and roads in St. Petersburg.
There are only SV and 2nd class carriages in summer but there are 3rd class carriages too in winter. All the carriages are equipped with toilets, climate control, and electronic information panels which displays information on the current time, the air temperature in the carriage, availability of toilets, and stop times.
The interior is decorated in purple and beige tones. The carriages of the train cannot be older than 12 years. Each compartment has a TV.
Noise and vibration are somewhat lower than in normal trains and the windows are double-glazed and keep the internal climate and keep out extra noise.
Available in carriages are hot drinks, bed linen (free in the SV); a set of basic necessities (free in 1st class); a set of fresh newspapers (free in 1st class); and in the 1st class there is hot food.
In the dining carriage you can have dinner or just sit with a cup of coffee and dessert. On request the chefs can prepare meals for children. Passengers also can enjoy dinner in their compartment.
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Average price: USD100 (1st class) | USD65 (2nd class)
This premium train is normally used for business trips as it leaves late in the evening and arrives early in the morning. The train consists of 1st, 2nd and 3rd class carriages - and more than half of the train is made up of 3rd class carriages. The train has one short technical stop on the route.
The train itself is just a normal premium train - air conditioning, quite new carriages, a range of snacks and travel items on sale.
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Average price: USD65 (2nd class)
The Express is a comfortable night train which runs all year round, six days a week (except Saturday). The wagons are equipped with bio-toilets, air conditioning, a coffee machine and Wi-Fi. Passengers are provided with bedding and travel kits of a better quality than in standard trains. There are only 1st and 2nd class carriages.
Each compartment has two upper and two lower bunks with a folding table; individual bathroom with shower, sink, toilets and heated floors; TV, DVD-player; button to call the conductor. Passengers are provided with hot meals and drinks, as well as daily newspapers. In the car with 4 compartments there is a lounge bar.
Compartments in VIP-class carriages consist of 2 rooms - living room, bedroom and dressing room - and covers a larger area (2 and 1.5 times the normal compartment, respectively).
The 2-berth compartments have a sofa and a top bunk, a chair, a wardrobe and a table.
In the dining carriage, passengers have a wide choice of hot dishes, appetisers, salads, desserts, hot and cold beverages, as well as exclusive alcoholic beverages. It is also possible to order food to your compartment.
The train is a duplicate of the Red Arrow premium train, departing 25 minutes earlier. The train only makes one technical stop on the way.
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Average price: USD100 (1st class) | USD35 (2nd class)
This train started to operate in 2015 and became one of the most popular trains among tourist groups due to its capacity. 2nd class carriages include 64 beds (instead of 36 in a one-storey carriage). The carriages consist of two levels of 4-berth isolated compartments, plus a dining carriage. Each compartment has: beds, tables, mirrors, shelves for small items, lamps, and step ladders. The compartment is equipped with two 100 watt outlets for electric shavers and mobile devices.
Each carriage has air conditioning and heating, which provides a comfortable environment; three bio-toilets, which can also be used during stops; convenient staircase with handrails; energy-saving LED lights; and a video surveillance system
The train also has space for disabled people and there is a wheelchair lift.
The 2nd class carriages use the following numbering of seats:
on the ground floor - places 1-32;
on the second floor – places 81-112.
The compartment places are numbered as in normal trains – odd for lower and even for upper.
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ARKTIKA PREMIUM TRAIN (Murmansk - Moscow) | АРКТИКА (Мурманск - Москва)
Average price: USD50 (2nd class)
The Arktika is a standard premium train with new carriages and a convenient schedule.
This train arrives and departs from St Petersburg’s Ladozhsky Railway Station - Ладожский вокзал – not the Moskovsky Railway Station as usual for Moscow.
The train has a 12 minute stop in St Petersburg. The train consists of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes carriages.
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LEV TOLSTOY (Moscow - Khelsinki) | ЛЕВ ТОЛСТОЙ (Москва - Хельсинки)
Average price: USD110 (1st class)
The Lev Tolstoy has been running for more than 30 years and first started operating between Moscow and Helsinki on 30 May 1975, it was later named the Lev Tolstoy. It was the first night train to run at a speed of 120 km/h.
The train has 17 new carriages and a restaurant car, including two VIP-class carriages (Soft) with eight places, five 1st class carriages (SV) with 18 places and nine 2nd class compartment carriages (including 1 carriage with a place for people with disabilities).
All carriages of the Lev Tolstoy train were renovated in 2007 and comply with the latest requirements of modern technologies and security. Since the beginning of June 2014 the train has had new 2nd class compartments and SV carriages. There is also a dining carriage, which serves European and Russian cuisine.
In addition, the train has carriages of VIP-class, including four two-seat compartments. Each compartment can be transformed into a bedroom. The sofa converts into single bed, there is also an additional upper sleeping berth. All compartments are equipped with air conditioning, DVD-players, LCD TVs, and internet access. There are individual showers and bio-toilets with heated floors in a compartment for maximum comfort . Also available are a shower set, a bathrobe and slippers.
The SV carriages contain eight double sleeping compartments, with two bottom bunks, with bed linen of a high quality, an extra pillow and a towel. There are two sanitary units (one of them - a shower). Designated baggage storage under the lower bunk. There are also a stand-alone air-conditioning system in each compartment, two sockets for charging mobile phones and laptops, shelves for storing small items, individual lighting for each bed, and an information board at the ends of the carriages.
Economy class compartment carriages are equipped with carriages similar to SV and include eight sleeping compartments with four beds. There are two sanitary units (one with a shower).
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This train arrives and departs from St Petersburg’s Ladozhsky Railway Station ( Ладожский вокзал) – not the Moskovsky Railway Station as usual for Moscow.
Average price: USD40 (2nd class)
This train is a standard passenger train which departs from and arrives in both cities quite late. But this train is a good option who those who do not need to arrive early in the city or those who want to see the white nights in St Petersburg before they leave for Moscow.
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► Practicalities ► Transport ► Russian trains ► Trains between MSC and SPB
The Sapsan is a high-speed train which operates between Moscow and St Petersburg, bringing the travelling time between the two Russian capitals down to 3 hours 45 minutes. It also has a convenient schedule and several classes of carriages. Read more...
Where can I buy train tickets for Russian trains? Can I return tickets? What is the fee for returning tickets? What information do I need to buy a train ticket? There is a mistake regarding my passport number/name on the ticket, can I correct it? Read more...
There are various types of wagons on Russian trains: Luxury class wagons: Premium (премиум or myagky/мягкий), First class wagons: suite wagons (СВ), three-bed compartment (РИЦ), Second class wagons: compartment (kupe/купе), Third class wagons: open (platskartny/плацкартный) Read more...