On 2-y Admiralteysky Island

Nicholas I Monument

Nicholas I Monument

  Standing in front of St Isaac's Cathedral, aligned with the Bronze Horseman Statue of Peter the Great, is another statue of an emperor - Peter's great-great-grandson Emperor Nicholas I who reigned from 1825 to 1855.  It was unveiled in 1859 and the monument consists of a six metre statue of the emperor on horseback which is the work of Peter Clodt - a favourite sculptor of Nicholas I whose work also includes the horse tamers on Anichkov Bridge. The pedestal features four reliefs depicting the emperor during various important events of his reign: the Decembrist Revolution, the Cholera Riots of 1931, the issuing of the codification of laws and finally the opening of the Verebinsky Bridge.  Also on the pedestal are four statues of Justice, Strength, Wisdom and Faith who faces are based on Nicholas' wife Aleksandr Fyodorovna and his daughters Maria, Aleksandra and Olga.

Sights of the Central Islands

Location Isaakievskaya Ploschad
Metro Admiralteyskaya