Around Pokrovskaya Hill

1000th Anniversary of Bryansk Memorial

1000th Anniversary of Bryansk Memorial

  According to archaeological evidence it is believed that Bryansk dates from 985 meaning that it celebrated its millennium in 1985. The memorial located on Pokrovskaya Hill comprises several parts. The obelisk formed of three tall arches has the figure of a woman holding a hammer and sickle on the top and a statue of a soldier on each arch. In front of the obelisk overlooking the River Desna is a statue of two figures. The man on horseback is Aleksandr Peresvet a monk from Bryansk who died fighting in single combat with a Tatar warrior just before the Battle of Kulikovo Field in 1380. Next to him is the bard Bayan who lifted the troop's mood before the battle. Also located nearby are some cannons from the Byransk Arsenal.

Location Pokrovskaya Hill, Ulitsa Pokrovskaya